To enable the Town Council to effectively control the quality of products and services it purchases the Council is currently preparing an Approved List of Suppliers and Contractors to cover a range of goods and services:

  • Office supplies
  • Office furniture
  • Janitorial supplies
  • Information Technology Services (Hardware, Computers, Printers, Telephony)
  • Software Support
  • General Building Maintenance
  • Electrical Services
  • Portable Appliance Testing
  • Glazing
  • Fire Safety (including fire alarms, fire door checks/maintenance, fire extinguisher supply/maintenance)
  • Intruder Alarms
  • Lift Servicing & Maintenance
  • Plumbing
  • Heating Services
  • Decorating
  • Carpentry/Joinery
  • Drainage
  • Statues/War Memorial Maintenance
  • Bus Shelter Cleaning/Maintenance
  • Flower bed/garden maintenance
  • Pest Control
  • Flood Clean up (e.g., parks play equipment/pathways)
  • Lifebuoy maintenance/supplies
  • Pest Control

It is therefore inviting suitably qualified and experienced suppliers and contractors to apply to be included on the Council’s Approved list.

To apply please complete Suppliers and Contractors Form below:

This application form will enable the Council to assess the capability of your company to effectively control the quality of the products or services your company may provide to the Council for inclusion on the Council’s Approved List of Suppliers & Contractors for the period

1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024

    hourly ratecall-out chargeout of hours charge/hourly rateTravelling time costs (if applied)Anticipated response time

    • Please provide a copy of your company’s current Health & Safety Policy Statement

    • Please provide evidence of your current Public Liability Insurance

    • For the provision of contractual services please provide a copy of a sample risk assessment (if applicable)

    • For the provision of contractual services please provide a copy of a sample method statement (if applicable)


    If preferred an offline form can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. The Completed Suppliers and Contractors Form and relevant supporting documents should be returned to:

    All suppliers and contractors who are successfully placed on the approved list will be notified in writing.

    The approved list will be effective for a period of twelve months commencing 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.  Please note, successful applicants will be advised that it is not guaranteed they will be asked to supply goods or services within the twelve-month period, but they will be given the opportunity to provide quotations for goods and services within their remit as and when these are required by the Council.  Approved suppliers and contractors will be contacted to seek renewal of their interest to remain on the approved list for the next twelve-month period.

    If you have any queries please contact Elaine Brookes, Office Administrator in the first instance on or telephone number 01299 400157.

    We look forward to receiving your application.
