Bewdley Town Clerk

Town Clerk

The Clerk of Bewdley Town Council is Mrs Tracy Bodley. Her job is to ensure that the Town Council operates legally, assisting councillors in making informed decisions, whilst also managing the council’s administration, operations and staff. She will advise the Council on new developments in procedures, law, and all other matters relating to the council’s work.

Section 151 of the 1972 Act also requires local councils to ensure that one of its officers has overall responsibility for the administration of its financial affairs; in Bewdley, Mrs Bodley is also the Responsible Financial Officer or ‘s151 Officer’. In addition to this, a local council is required, by s112 of the Local Government Act 1972, to appoint such officers as it considers necessary for the proper discharge of its functions. The number of officers depends on the size of the council.

The Clerk can only be appointed and removed by the Council and he/she is accountable to the Council as Corporate Body.  As Head of the council’s administration, the Clerk is line-managed through the Staffing Committee. A constructive partnership between the Clerk, Chairman and Elected Members is essential for the proper and efficient functioning of the Council; she has the ear of all Councillors, regardless of political persuasion and, of course, is independent.

General Power of Competence

Tracy is a CiLCA–qualified officer, meaning Bewdley Town Council have now obtained ‘General Power of Competence’ status.

For further information view the About the Town Council page.