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Council welcomes funding for flood defence scheme at Beales Corner

Council welcomes funding for flood defence scheme at Beales Corner

Wyre Forest District Council has welcomed today’s announcement by flooding Minister, Rebecca Pow MP, that £6.2m will be invested in providing permanent flood protection at Beales Corner, Bewdley.

Councillor Nicky Martin, Cabinet member for Housing, Health, Wellbeing and Democratic Services, said:

“Residents on the Wribbenhall side of the River Severn have experienced severe floods last year and earlier this year. Additional concern has been created by the Environment Agency’s decision not to deploy the temporary barriers pending a review of the events surrounding their failure in January 2021. It is very welcome news that permanent defences are going to be implemented, and we will work with the Environment Agency to make sure that they are in place as soon as possible.”

Councillor Helen Dyke, the Leader of the Council, said:

“The Council has passed a number of motions calling on the Government to act and I am pleased to learn of this investment. Our Overview and Scrutiny Committee has done a thorough job in investigating the flooding of 2020. This involved input from

clear recommendations for the future, including the need for these permanent barriers at Beales Corner. We look forward to a planning

application being submitted by the Environment Agency as soon as design works have been completed.”