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Anti-Spiking Intensification Week Updates [#234021103]

Officers from our Licensing Team are out and about this week visiting pubs and bars around North Worcestershire as we focus on Anti-Spiking Intensification Week.

Though across the West Mercia force area incidents of drink spiking are comparatively low, education and engagement are important ways to protect the public from falling victim to this crime.

Police Constable Angela Stanley, Licensing Officer for North Worcestershire was joined by Police Constable Chris Evans, one of our Community Safety and Engagement Officers, on the visits where we handed out anti-spiking and Ask for Angela posters and anti-spiking kits and bottle/drinks covers.

This action forms part of Anti-Spiking Intensification Week, where the force will be highlighting the work it carries out all year round to tackle this type of crime.

If you believe you may be a victim of spiking report it to police straight away to give the best chances of capturing evidential opportunities. If a crime is in progress call 999, otherwise we would advise calling 101 or reporting online.

A new online reporting service has also been launched, which offers a fast-time route to report spiking and prompts specific questions to capture evidence for spiking cases: https://orlo.uk/pMyub