Flood Advisory Service – Partner Teleconference Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Met Office Summary

  • Yellow Warning issued for Rain on Thursday for Wales (affecting Severn catchment but warning not covering West Mercia)
  • Rainfall – further rainfall expected onto the upper Severn catchment over the next few days – possibly 40-70mm
  • NB – Met Office industrial action could affect future forecasts

Environment Agency – Flood Warnings River Severn

  • Peak at Bewdley 3.7m – 4.1m expected on Thursday morning (this forecast peak is lower than previously communicated and would not cause any property flooding).
  • Flood warnings still expected along the Severn; No issues expected with other rivers or watercourses.
  • Barrier deployment – The lower stage (Phase 1) of the Severnside flood barrier in Bewdley has been deployed today (Tuesday). Beales Corner and Higher stage (Phase 2) of the Severnside flood barrier are now unlikely to be needed, but decision remains under constant review, depending on rainfall amounts.
  • EA will issue summary sheet with forecast river levels to professional partners at 9:00 and 15:00 daily. Info regarding peaks will also made public twice daily via twitter account (@EnvAgencyMids).
  • TCG – not being called – Another FAS will be held Thursday 10:30hrs