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Have Your Say On Polling Places

Have your say on polling places

Residents are being asked to have their say on the location of polling places in the Blakebrook and Habberley South and Areley Kings and Riverside wards.
Two of the polling places that have been used for many years, The Gainsborough House Hotel in Kidderminster and the Workmen’s Club in Stourport, are no longer available. Wyre Forest District Council is carrying out a review to identify alternative locations.

The council is seeking views on introducing a polling place at Habberley Social Club, which is located off Truro Drive in Kidderminster, and whether voters in Kidderminster town centre should vote at Trinity Methodist Church. In Stourport, the council is considering using Stourport Bowling Club or Stourport Community Centre as a polling station. The consultation also gives the chance for electors in both wards to submit their own proposals about suitable locations.

Ian Miller, Electoral Registration Officer at Wyre Forest District Council, said: “We welcome feedback from everyone but in particular people who live in the wards and whose polling place will be changing. We would also like to hear from people who have expertise in access for disabled electors.”

For more information on the plans and to submit feedback residents can visit

The consultation is running until midday on Friday 11 November 2022.

The full Council meeting on Wednesday 7 December will consider the results of the consultation and take a decision on what changes should be implemented for elections to be held in 2023. The meeting will be webcast and can be watched at It starts at 6pm.