Join the Great British Spring Clean

Join in the Great British Spring Clean

Residents and community groups are being urged to show their support for a national tidying campaign by clearing up litter in their neighbourhoods.

The Great British Spring Clean, run by Keep Britain Tidy is taking place between Friday 17 March and Sunday 2 April. Wyre Forest District Council is getting involved. It is backing the campaign and encouraging people to volunteer to spruce up their area.

Members of the Birchen Coppice and Rifle Range community have already committed to join in. They have organised a litter pick with the help of the council’s Community Builder for this area. Volunteers are gathering at St Peter’s Community Church, Meredith Green, Kidderminster ready to start litter picking at 9.30am. Anyone who takes part can join in with free tea and toast at the St. Peter’s Breakfast Club afterwards.

Children from Birchen Coppice Primary School are getting involved too. The community litter picking group, The Pick Up Artists are loaning them equipment so they can do their bit.

Thanks to the Little Litter Warriors, 100 children and 27 Leaders from Wyre Forest Scouts, Beavers and Squirrels groups will be taking part across the district. They will be using equipment the council donated to them last month.

The council is also supporting Stourport Community Clean Up, which has been organised by Wild Earth Movement and Green Earthlings. They will be welcoming people to get take part at the Riverside Park between 11am and 1pm on Sunday 26 March.

Individuals have also pledged to take part in the mass clean up. Friends Wendy Deem and Judy Stokes have been litter picking in Blakedown and Churchill since 2020. They go out several times a week. They will be out and about litter picking during the Spring Clean week.

Judy said: “Litter picking is good for our mental and physical health, and it feels good to be doing something positive for people, the planet and all the wildlife.”

After the 2022 campaign, 85% of people who took part said they felt more pride for their local area. 74% said it improved their mood too!

Councillor John Thomas, Wyre Forest District’s Cabinet member with responsibility for Operational Services said:

“We are extremely grateful to all the volunteers who take part in litter picks, helping us keep the district looking good. Their dedication makes a big difference to the community. The Great British Spring Clean is an excellent way for more people to join in. It brings people together, helps clean up where they live and does something positive for our environment.”

Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer litter picker can find out more information by visiting