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News release from Wyre Forest District Council

 Your views on a planning scoping document

 Another consultation on topics to be covered in a new supplementary planning document has been launched by Wyre Forest District Council. This time residents, businesses and local developers in the district are being asked to have their say to help identify key design issues that should be addressed in the Design Guidance SPD by reviewing the scoping paper.

The Design Guidance SPD aims to deliver clear and concise guidance for all types of applicants on the type of design expectations and guidance for Wyre Forest District Council.

The updated Design Guidance SPD will replace the previous Design Guidance SPD, which was released in June 2015. It will supplement the Local Plan and make sure that new developments conform to the set design standards whilst safeguarding design at an early stage.

The new SPD will also provide guidance to applicants on when and what to include in supporting documents such as a Design and Access statement, masterplan, design code and how to prove a development is good design.

Councillor Helen Dyke, Leader of Wyre Forest District Council and Cabinet Member with responsibility for planning said:

“We have recently asked for your comments on our Housing and Health scoping papers, we’re now welcoming feedback on the new Design Guidance SPD scoping paper, which will shape the Design Guidance SPD.”

Details and how to comment can be found at:

The consultation runs until 5pm on Wednesday 23 November 2022.