Extension Notice – Footpath BW-543 Bewdley – Until 4 September 2025



Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended)

(Footpath BW-543 Bewdley) (Temporary Closure) Order 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that the Order made by Worcestershire County Council on 24 August 2023 the effect of which is to close that part of Footpath BW-543 Bewdley between its junction with the B4190 at Ordnance Survey Grid Reference 378788, 275456 and OSGR 378823, 275523 which was due to expire on 4 March 2024 has been continued in force with the approval of the Secretary of State for the Department Transport until the works to which it relates have been completed or until 4 September 2025 whichever is sooner.  Any further extension will require the approval of the Secretary of State.

The Order has been made to facilitate flood defence construction work.

Alternative route: From OSGR 378788, 275456 Beales Corner, BW-546, BW 545 The Nunneries, BW-543 Pleasant Harbour to OSGR  378823, 275523 and vice versa.

Thomas Pollock Head of Commercial Law (Legal and Governance) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester.

14 March 2024
