Bewdley Left Bank Flood Risk Management Project Update

The below update was provided to us from the Environment Agency.

12th February – 16 February 2024

We have now installed 86 of the 188 piles for the foundation of the flood wall. Piling is complete in Areas 4 and 5, with approximately 68% of piles in Area 3 complete, with remainder to be piled after Cadent Gas have completed their gas diversion. The piling rig has now been demobilised while other work is undertaken to prepare the areas for the final piles.

Unfortunately, we have had another week of elevated river levels. This has prevented the gas utility alteration from starting this week, however we hope to start this work early next week. This utility diversion is to be undertaken adjacent to the bridge and is critical to allow us to undertake other works in this area.

While excavating for the foundations of the flood wall near Millside Close, we have discovered an old reinforced concrete structure. We have now amended the design to account for this structure and will start this work in the coming weeks – this will involve breaking out the brick structure.

Next week BT Openreach will be undertaking the next phase of their utility alterations, close to the Severn Trent Water kiosk.

Overall, the project remains close to the programme due to faster installation of the earlier piles than expected.

We will endeavour to provide weekly updates however, we will not be able to answer all questions emailed to us. If you have any questions please speak to our Environment Agency team member who will be at St Georges Hall on Tuesday’s between 11am and 2pm.