Council backs White Ribbon Campaign

Council backs White Ribbon Campaign

This year the White Ribbon UK Campaign is encouraging all organisations and individuals to #ChangeTheStory for women and girls. Wyre Forest District Council is backing the campaign which is challenging the seemingly ‘harmless’ attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate violence against women and girls.

White Ribbon Day is Saturday 25 November.  It marks the start of 16 days of activism aimed at raising awareness around gender-based violence. In the UK one in four women will experience domestic abuse at some point in their lives, according to West Mercia Women’s Aid.


Wyre Forest District Council is working with local organisations to highlight the types of violence experienced by women and girls.

Rachel Symons, Wyre Forest District Council’s Housing Project Officer and her colleague Aimee Hall, Domestic Abuse Housing Officer recently joined the launch of JOY, a new local service giving wellbeing support to women of all ages. During the event they promoted the White Ribbon campaign.

Information about where both women and men can receive support can be found on the council website  The council also connects victims of domestic abuse with a Public Health funded sanctuary scheme. The scheme helps householders at risk of domestic abuse to live safely in their own homes.

This year the campaign throws a spotlight on behaviours and words which may seem harmless but can lead to extreme forms of violence. It is highlighting the fact that even the smallest actions can affect big change.  Council sites will be providing white ribbons to help support the 2023 campaign and cabinet members are already wearing theirs! Everyone is getting on board with White Ribbon UK’s message that ‘Ending violence against women and girls starts when we #ChangeTheStory.’

Councillor Tracey Onslow, Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for Culture, Leisure, Arts and Community Safety said:

“We are very proud to be supporting White Ribbon Day this year, in our council offices, alongside Wyre Forest organisations and on our social media channels. And we are encouraging everyone, once again, to wear the ribbon and make the White Ribbon Promise – ‘to never use, excuse, or remain silent about men’s violence against women.”

Anyone wanting to make the promise this year can do so by visiting