Message from the Environment Agency

You will have seen that last week we started a further phase of works critical to the main construction of the scheme, which is due to start in summer 2023. This phase of work includes utility diversions as well as tree and shrub clearance works.

 Thanks to a great collaboration by BT Openreach and National Grid, the utility diversion works on Kidderminster Road has been completed early. This will enable the removal of traffic lights on Kidderminster road from Friday 24 February 2023 which will ease traffic on that section of road.  We would like to thank residents and businesses for bearing with us whilst we got this work done.

 The Stourport Road will remain closed until 3 March 2023 as per the original road closure notice to allow Severn Trent Water to undertake a series of trial holes. This is to allow Severn Tent Water to validate their proposed design for the required Severn Trent Water utility diversion – this utility diversion is likely to be undertaken in early summer 2023.

We will provide more details about these works in due course.