NO LONGER IN FORCE. Flood Warning: River Severn at Severnside, Bewdley

This is a message from the Environment Agency.Flood Warning no longer in force: River Severn at Severnside, Bewdley.The situation is improving and no further flooding is expected in this area.Flood Warnings and Alerts may still be in force for surrounding areas.This Flood Warning has been removed. River levels have now fallen below the flood risk threshold.  The Flood Warning for the area has now been removed.  However, a Flood Alert remains in force for the wider area, so flooding may still affect roads and low lying land.  Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days.  Barriers remain deployed. We will review their removal over the next few days based on the response to further rainfall forecast.We continue to monitor the situation.  Our incident response staff are checking the condition of defences. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.  What you should consider doing now———————————————* Flood water may still be around for several days. Take care as there may be hidden dangers in the flood water like sharp objects, raised manhole covers and pollution.* If you have been flooded, ring your buildings and contents insurance company as soon as possible. In almost all cases they will send a loss adjuster to look at your property. They will confirm what repairs and replacements are needed and covered by your policy.* For more advice on what to do after a flood visit the GOV.UK website:* Or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188. To check the latest information for your area.