Bewdley Left Bank Flood Risk Management Project Update 19th February – 23rd February 2024

The following post is provided to us by the Environment Agency.

As stated in our previous project update, while excavating for the foundations of the flood wall near Millside Court we discovered an old reinforced concrete structure. We have now started work to break out this structure, and this allows us to prepare the already piled foundations for the next stage of the foundations work.


All the piling around Millside Court is now complete, but some of those piles have required a casing, which will need to be cut down to the required level. This week we have been exposing these casings in preparation for future works.


Due to continued elevated river levels, we have been prevented from making significant progress on the scheme as a whole, and more specifically on the planned gas utility works that were due to start last week. However, these works have now started in the area adjacent to the bridge which when finished will allow us to undertake other works in this area.


Looking into next week, we will be backfilling the area where we have been breaking out the concrete structure near Millside Court.

Where we have been able to expose the piles that are in place, we will be cropping those piles in order to prepare for the next stage of foundations of the wall, and we will be testing the piles that are in place for structural integrity.

The gas utility diversion works will continue next week and into March in the area adjacent to the bridge.

Overall, the project remains close to the planned programme due to faster installation of the earlier piles than expected, however the long duration of the current flooding is impacting on the construction programme.

We will endeavour to provide weekly updates. If you have any questions, please speak to our Environment Agency team member who will be at St Georges Hall every other Tuesday, (starting on 12th March) between 11am and 2pm.